Poem “The Grass of Data Science”

1 min readDec 16, 2022
photo by Balázs Benjamin on pexels

There are a few potential reasons why you might choose to pursue an opinion in Data Science. you can make a little project include syntax, participate in bootcamps or share your experiences with self-paced learning to ensure that only you like reading about this data science technique, or by using another way, you can spread positive things that have an influence.

I’ll now share a wonderful short quote with everyone who is interested in the data enthusiast.

Enjoy reading from my perspective…

The Grass of Data Science

Data science, the art of analysis,

Sifting through numbers and statistics.

Finding patterns, trends, and insights,

Uncovering hidden truths in the digits.


From data lakes to machine learning,

The tools and techniques are constantly churning.

Predicting outcomes, optimizing processes,

Data science is always yearning.


With a background in math and coding,

Data scientists are key players in the game.

Uncovering insights and driving innovation,

Data science is a field to claim.


So let us all embrace this new age,

Where data drives the world’s page.

Through analysis and interpretation,

Data science will pave the way.




Data enthusiast | Bachelor's in physics | Passionate about growth, data & digital marketing